Ballsbridge University is an independent EduVisa Accredited Student Campus (ASC) (EduVisa MetaCampus) that has signed a collaboration agreement with EduVisa Graduate School of Management in terms of which students, who wish to obtain a UK Higher Diploma (L5HDip.Man) (UK-Ofqual), Post-Graduate Diploma in Business (L7PGDip.Man) (UK-Ofqual), UK Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA-Hons) or UK Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree will be allowed to register and study online at EduVisa Graduate School of Management via the EduVisa Virtual University System (See EduVisa University Progressions).
Students from the following Ballsbridge University Network institutions are welcome to register with EduVisa Graduate School of Management:
CICI Institute SA Ballsbridge University
Ballsbridge University zambia
Ballsbridge Institute of technology
CLMI Balsbridge University
Divine Doxology Institute Ballsbridge University
Ballsbridge University (West Indies)
Institute of Chartered Professionals
Ballsbridge University (Ghana)
Ballsbridge University (west africa)
Ballsbridge University is an independent EduVisa Accredited Student Campus (ASC) (EduVisa MetaCampus) that has signed a collaboration agreement with EduVisa Graduate School of Management in terms of which students, who wish to obtain a UK Higher Diploma (L5HDip.Man) (UK-Ofqual), Post-Graduate Diploma in Business (L7PGDip.Man) (UK-Ofqual), UK Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA-Hons) or UK Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree will be allowed to register and study online at EduVisa Graduate School of Management via the EduVisa Virtual University System (See EduVisa University Progressions).
Students from the following Ballsbridge University Network institutions are welcome to register with EduVisa Graduate School of Management:
CICI Institute SA Ballsbridge University
Ballsbridge University zambia
Ballsbridge Institute of technology
CLMI Balsbridge University
Divine Doxology Institute Ballsbridge University
Ballsbridge University (West Indies)
Institute of Chartered Professionals
Ballsbridge University (Ghana)
Ballsbridge University (west africa)
DUAL QUALIFICATION SYSTEM EduVisa Graduate School of Management, like many university institutions and business schools, applies a Dual Qualification System (DQS) which acknowledges completion of subject theory at a prescribed level of competency (IQF-Formative Theory Assessment) in order to proceed with the completion of an RQF-Applied Theory Assessment towards a UK-Ofqual accredited qualification as part of the BBA-Hons/MBA Degree curriculum. This approach incorporates accreditation and curriculum requirements of both the IQF and RQF Qualification Frameworks for alignment purposes with other international qualification frameworks like the NQF, EQF, SAQA CHEA, SQF etc. This also ensures that the student not only meets the requirements of the UK-orientated qualification framework but also incorporates the requirements associated with the curricula followed by prominent universities/business schools in other parts of the world. Each academic year (Bachelor 1st Year, Bachelor 2nd Year etc) thus consists of an IQF (Foundation Theory) as well as a RQF (Advanced Applied Theory) component in order to meet UK-Ofqual as well as international curriculum requirements: Students are awarded an EduVisa qualification (IQF) - Diploma (L4Dip.Man), Higher Diploma (L5HDip.Man), Graduate Diploma (L6GDip.Man) or Post-Graduate Diploma (L7PGDip.Man) as testimony that they have met the minimum curriculum requirements (Theory Foundation) relevant to a specific Bachelor (BBA) or Master's (MBA) academic year. Students are awarded a UK-Ofqual qualification (RQF) - Diploma (L4), Higher Diploma (L5), Graduate Diploma (L6) or Post-Graduate Diploma (L7) as testimony that they have met the minimum curriculum requirements (Advanced Theory Application) relevant to the specific Bachelor (BBA) or Master's (MBA) academic year. Students are awarded a UK-University qualification (Bachelor of Business Administration) (BBA/BBA-Hons) Degree as testimony that they have completed both the IQF (Foundation Theory) component and the RQF (Advanced Applied Theory) component at the respective Bachelor (Bachelor 1 st Year, Bachelor 2nd Year, and Bachelor 3rd) Year or post-Bachelor level (Master's) Year levels. IQF + RQF + BBA/MBA (TOP-UP) = BBA/MBA DEGRE
BACHELOR (BBA) CURRICULUM COMPONENTS The candidate is required to complete the following curriculum components towards a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree to be awarded by a UK or alternative university of choice: Bachelor Level - 1 st Year L4Dip.Man (Diploma on Management) (IQF - Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded via EduVisa) L4Dip.Man (Diploma in Management) (RQF - Applied Theory Assessment) (Awarded via Ofqual) Bachelor Level - 2 nd Year L5HDip.Man (Higher Diploma in Management) (IQF - Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) L5HDip.Man (Higher Diploma in Management) (RQF - Applied Theory Assessment)(Awarded via Ofqual) Bachelor Level - 3 rd Year BBA Top-Up (3rd Year Bachelor in Business Curriculum) (BBA Degree awarded by UK-University of choice)
MASTERS (MBA) CURRICULUM COMPONENTS The candidate is required to complete the following curriculum components towards a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree to be awarded by a UK or alternative university of choice: Master's Level - Pre-Masters Year L6GDip.Man (Graduate Diploma in Management) (IQF Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) Master's Level - MBA Foundation Theory L7PGDip.Man (Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (IQF Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) L7PGDip.Man (Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (RQF Applied Theory Assessment) (Awarded via Ofqual) Master's Level - Bachelor 3rd Year MBA Top-Up (MBA Research Dissertation) (MBA Degree awarded by UKUniversity of choice) Page 10 of 19 BENEFITS OF THE DUAL QUALIFICATION SYSTEM The Dual Qualification System (DQS) provides for certification of the completion of the different academic phases (IQF, RQF and Capstone) even if the candidate has not completed the full qualification. This means for example that the candidate will be awarded a Diploma in Management (L4Dip.Man) (IQF) as testimony that he/she has completed the Foundation Theory component at Bachelor 1st Year level in case the candidate is not able to complete the final Summative Assessment/Examination (RQF Advanced Theory Examination) towards a Diploma in Business Management (L4Dip.Man) (RQF). The Dual Qualification System (DQS) also provides the student with the opportunity to be awarded a qualification (L4Dip.Man, L5HDip.Man, L6GDip.Man or L7PGDip.Man) that reflects the completion of the relevant academic year despite not being able to complete a full Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (BBA/BBA-Hons).
RECOGNITION OF PL&E Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE) is referred to as the ‘principles and the processes through which the prior knowledge and or skills of a person are made visible, mediated and are assessed for the purposes of alternative access and admission, recognition and certification, or further learning and development’. In short, RPLE can thus be regarded as an assessment process of an individual’s learning and experience achieved outside the formal education and training environment. The main purpose is to determine and confirm the extent to which a candidate has achieved the required learning outcomes or competency standards associated with the requirements of a specific qualification. The term ‘recognition’ covers the acknowledgement of current competencies regardless of how, when or where learning took place. This also implies recognizing learning which has its source in life and work experience, including learning gained through non-formal learning and workplace-related training programmes.
The EDUVISA RPLE programme, as a result, identifies employees and potential students who accumulated employment experience relevant to administrative, management and leadership skills without having obtained formal qualifications. This includes employees that are currently working or have previously worked independently or within the government, private or NGO sector. This also Page 11 of 19 enables students, while studying, to obtain related employment experience that is regarded as an entrée requirement to register at for instance Master's Degree level. EDUVISA RPLE policies are based on and incorporate the intended outcomes of accreditation frameworks (RQF, IQF, SAQA, EQF, etc) that EDUVISA is aligned to (See Accreditation & Articulation). EDUVISA Graduate School of Management, in line with its RPLE policies, also offers the Diploma in Higher Education Access (Dip.HEA) (IQF-L3) (2 - 3 Months) which provides students with direct access to the EDUVISA Graduate Programme (Bachelor & Master's Degrees) accredited on the UKOfqual Qualification Framework and UK-University System. The Diploma in Higher Education Access (Dip.HEA) (IQF-L3) can be completed online or alternatively as a blended-learning campus option at an EDUVISAAccredited Student Campus/Centre. Students who have completed a Grade 11 or Grade 12 Certificate, Matric Certificate, National Senior Certificate, GCE Certificate, Secondary Education Certificate, or any other School-Leaving-Certificate and who have completed the Diploma in Higher Education Access (Dip.HEA) (IQF-L3) may register for the EDUVISA Diploma in Management (Dip.Man) (IQF-L4) (1st Year Bachelor) or alternative EDUVISA Diploma / Degree Programmes. A certified copy of the school-leaving certificate may be required for verification of the applicant’s international qualifications UK OFQUAL QUALIFICATION ARTICULATION EDUVISA Graduate School of Management, guided by its international qualification accreditation and certification requirements, follows a curriculum approach that incorporates a Foundation Theory Assessment (Uniqual IQF Certification) supplemented by a Core Theory Examination (Ofqual RQF Certification) component and finally a BBA-Hons Year or MBA Capstone Assessment (University Examination/Dissertation) (See Dual Qualification & Assessment Certification). All learning materials and modules are articulated against specific learning criteria specified by Ofqual (UK Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) which regulates qualifications, examinations, and assessments in the UK. All the EDUVISA Ofqual (RQF) articulated qualifications are listed on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England. The Uniqual (IQF) articulated curricula ensure that EDUVISA supplements Ofqual-regulated (RQF) subject contents with additional subject that may be Page 12 of 19 required in terms of curriculum guidelines associated with local or regional universities and business schools. These standards ensure that students who study with EDUVISA receive a high-quality education along with a certification that is recognised globally by government-regulated universities, employers, and government-regulated qualification and accreditation frameworks including the following: RQF = Ofqual Regulated Qualifications Framework (United Kingdom) IQF = Uniqual Integrated Qualifications Framework (International) SCQF = Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (Scotland) NQF = SAQA National Qualification Framework (South Africa) (See Ofqual/SAQA Articulation) CQFW = Credit and Qualifications Framework (Wales) CCEA = Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (Northern Ireland) FHEQ= Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK degreeawarding bodies EQF = European Qualification Framework (EU) AQF = Australian Qualification Framework (Australia) NARIC = National Recognition Information Centre (UK) CICIC = Centre for International Credentials (Canada) CHEA - Council of Higher Education (USA) ACBSP = Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (USA) BAC = British Accreditation Council (UK) Please mouse-click on Pre-registration Questions & Answers to clarify the verification and recognition of foreign qualifications relevant to your country of residence. Page 13 of 19 OFQUAL BENCHMARK CERTIFICATION EDUVISA Graduate School of Management is an accredited study centre and business school regulated in terms of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) (UK) via Ofqual-regulated award institutions and as such falls under the United Kingdom (UK) Department of Education as well as the Department for Business Innovation and Skills in terms of Article 96 and Article 97 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000. Ofqual regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England to ensure that all students receive the highest standard of education. The details of qualifications accredited by Ofqual can be found in The National Database of Accredited Qualifications (NDAQ). Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England. Ofqual (UK) provides accreditation to 200+ recognised academic centres in over 35 countries via a network of Ofqual-accredited award institutions. Ofqualregulated qualifications (offered by EDUVISA via its accreditation by NCCEdu) are approved as academic progression pathways to relevant Bachelor’s (BBA-Hons) and Master’s (MBA) Top-Up Degrees by a growing number of UK and international universities, providing significant tertiary education opportunities to students. A University Collaboration Network (UCN) has been established which includes universities (See for instance Cardiff Metropolitan University) that guarantee acceptance of the Ofqual-prescribed Curriculum (as delivered by EduVisa) for university progression purposes (BBA-Hons & MBA/M.Sc. TopUp) purposes either on-campus or online. Mouse-click on ‘University Top-Up’ for more details. EDUVISA UNIQUAL CERTIFICATION The IQF academic regulatory framework is a quality instrument utilised by EDUVISA that ensures that curriculum requirements, as laid down by UKOfqual map to the curriculum content and assessment standards associated with leading universities and business schools (University Top-Up). UniQual also monitors the integration of RQF (UK), SQF (Scotland), CHEA (USA), NQF (SA), AQF (Aus), EQF (E U) or alternative curriculum module components into the basic UK-Ofqual curriculum to prepare the learner/student for the specific business environment of his/her region of origin at undergraduate (BA, B.Sc., BBAHons) and post-graduate level (MBA, M.Sc.). This ensures that the learner/student is provided with a management qualification that is Page 14 of 19 academically acceptable and professionally relevant on both a global and regional scale. The EDUVISA Graduate Programme academic year consists of a Formative Theory (IQF) (Module Tests) curriculum component as well as an Applied Theory (RQF) curriculum component (Moderated Assignment Assessment). Completion of the Formative Theory (IQF) equips the student to complete the Applied Theory (RQF) phase that leads to an Ofqual-RQF qualification at Diploma (L4Dip.Man) (Bachelor 1st Year) and Higher Diploma (L5HDip.Man) (Bachelor 2nd Year) which again provides the student with access to the Bachelor Top-Up (Bachelor 3rd Year) at a university or business school of choice (Mouse-click on Policy: Assessment Guidelines). The IQF can be seen as a "generic curriculum benchmark" that guarantees that the student has in addition to a UK-orientated BBA/MBA Degree also incorporated curriculum components of both regional and international benchmark qualification frameworks and /or universities. It also positions the student to meet the requirements of employment agencies and employers, irrespective of where the student may find him/herself in the world. Qualification alignment also incorporates government-regulated award institutions like the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Page 15 of 19 FHEQ - UNIVERSITY FRAMEWORK The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-awarding Bodies (FHEQ) includes guidelines for Higher Education (HE) (University) qualifications in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and in Scotland for Bachelor's Degrees. For Master's and Doctoral Degrees, the same guidelines apply across the UK, Europe and most countries that follow a similar qualification framework to the United Kingdom, including most Commonwealth Countries and Englishspeaking countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The following outline provides an overview of the interrelationship between some of the prominent international qualification frameworks:
EDUVISA GLOBAL UNIQUAL (IQF) UNITED KINGDOM OFQUAL (RQF) SOUTH AFRICA – SAQA (NQF) SCOTTLAND - SCQF EU – EU COUNCIL (EQF) 8 8 10 12 8 7/7* 7 9 11 7 6 6 8 9 6 5/5* 5 7 8 5* 4 4 6 7 5 3 3 5 6 4 Page 16 of 19 QUALIFICATION AND GRADE VERIFICATION The EDUVISA Graduate School of Management Qualification & Grade Verification service provides for the verification of qualifications and grades awarded by and through EDUVISA Graduate School of Management: Please forward an email containing the following information to [email protected]: Full Name of the student/alumni ID Number used during studies Course completed Date that award was issued Name of EDUVISA Campus where studies were completed Please attach a copy of the ID of the student/alumni Please note that in terms of the international Data Protection Policies that EDUVISA adheres to information will only be released if the identity of the student/alumni can be verified beyond any doubt. EDUVISA (UK) Graduate School of Management Metaversity 160 Kemp House City Road London EC1V 2NX [email protected] EDUVISA (SA) Graduate School of Management Metaversity Cnr Main & Sloane Street Bryanston South Africa [email protected] EDUVISA (Middle-East) Graduate School of Management [email protected] EDUVISA (North-America) Graduate School of Management [email protected] Page
BACHELOR (BBA) CURRICULUM COMPONENTS The candidate is required to complete the following curriculum components towards a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree to be awarded by a UK or alternative university of choice: Bachelor Level - 1 st Year L4Dip.Man (Diploma on Management) (IQF - Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded via EduVisa) L4Dip.Man (Diploma in Management) (RQF - Applied Theory Assessment) (Awarded via Ofqual) Bachelor Level - 2 nd Year L5HDip.Man (Higher Diploma in Management) (IQF - Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) L5HDip.Man (Higher Diploma in Management) (RQF - Applied Theory Assessment)(Awarded via Ofqual) Bachelor Level - 3 rd Year BBA Top-Up (3rd Year Bachelor in Business Curriculum) (BBA Degree awarded by UK-University of choice)
MASTERS (MBA) CURRICULUM COMPONENTS The candidate is required to complete the following curriculum components towards a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree to be awarded by a UK or alternative university of choice: Master's Level - Pre-Masters Year L6GDip.Man (Graduate Diploma in Management) (IQF Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) Master's Level - MBA Foundation Theory L7PGDip.Man (Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (IQF Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) L7PGDip.Man (Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (RQF Applied Theory Assessment) (Awarded via Ofqual) Master's Level - Bachelor 3rd Year MBA Top-Up (MBA Research Dissertation) (MBA Degree awarded by UKUniversity of choice) Page 10 of 19 BENEFITS OF THE DUAL QUALIFICATION SYSTEM The Dual Qualification System (DQS) provides for certification of the completion of the different academic phases (IQF, RQF and Capstone) even if the candidate has not completed the full qualification. This means for example that the candidate will be awarded a Diploma in Management (L4Dip.Man) (IQF) as testimony that he/she has completed the Foundation Theory component at Bachelor 1st Year level in case the candidate is not able to complete the final Summative Assessment/Examination (RQF Advanced Theory Examination) towards a Diploma in Business Management (L4Dip.Man) (RQF). The Dual Qualification System (DQS) also provides the student with the opportunity to be awarded a qualification (L4Dip.Man, L5HDip.Man, L6GDip.Man or L7PGDip.Man) that reflects the completion of the relevant academic year despite not being able to complete a full Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (BBA/BBA-Hons).
RECOGNITION OF PL&E Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE) is referred to as the ‘principles and the processes through which the prior knowledge and or skills of a person are made visible, mediated and are assessed for the purposes of alternative access and admission, recognition and certification, or further learning and development’. In short, RPLE can thus be regarded as an assessment process of an individual’s learning and experience achieved outside the formal education and training environment. The main purpose is to determine and confirm the extent to which a candidate has achieved the required learning outcomes or competency standards associated with the requirements of a specific qualification. The term ‘recognition’ covers the acknowledgement of current competencies regardless of how, when or where learning took place. This also implies recognizing learning which has its source in life and work experience, including learning gained through non-formal learning and workplace-related training programmes.
The EDUVISA RPLE programme, as a result, identifies employees and potential students who accumulated employment experience relevant to administrative, management and leadership skills without having obtained formal qualifications. This includes employees that are currently working or have previously worked independently or within the government, private or NGO sector. This also Page 11 of 19 enables students, while studying, to obtain related employment experience that is regarded as an entrée requirement to register at for instance Master's Degree level. EDUVISA RPLE policies are based on and incorporate the intended outcomes of accreditation frameworks (RQF, IQF, SAQA, EQF, etc) that EDUVISA is aligned to (See Accreditation & Articulation). EDUVISA Graduate School of Management, in line with its RPLE policies, also offers the Diploma in Higher Education Access (Dip.HEA) (IQF-L3) (2 - 3 Months) which provides students with direct access to the EDUVISA Graduate Programme (Bachelor & Master's Degrees) accredited on the UKOfqual Qualification Framework and UK-University System. The Diploma in Higher Education Access (Dip.HEA) (IQF-L3) can be completed online or alternatively as a blended-learning campus option at an EDUVISAAccredited Student Campus/Centre. Students who have completed a Grade 11 or Grade 12 Certificate, Matric Certificate, National Senior Certificate, GCE Certificate, Secondary Education Certificate, or any other School-Leaving-Certificate and who have completed the Diploma in Higher Education Access (Dip.HEA) (IQF-L3) may register for the EDUVISA Diploma in Management (Dip.Man) (IQF-L4) (1st Year Bachelor) or alternative EDUVISA Diploma / Degree Programmes. A certified copy of the school-leaving certificate may be required for verification of the applicant’s international qualifications UK OFQUAL QUALIFICATION ARTICULATION EDUVISA Graduate School of Management, guided by its international qualification accreditation and certification requirements, follows a curriculum approach that incorporates a Foundation Theory Assessment (Uniqual IQF Certification) supplemented by a Core Theory Examination (Ofqual RQF Certification) component and finally a BBA-Hons Year or MBA Capstone Assessment (University Examination/Dissertation) (See Dual Qualification & Assessment Certification). All learning materials and modules are articulated against specific learning criteria specified by Ofqual (UK Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) which regulates qualifications, examinations, and assessments in the UK. All the EDUVISA Ofqual (RQF) articulated qualifications are listed on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England. The Uniqual (IQF) articulated curricula ensure that EDUVISA supplements Ofqual-regulated (RQF) subject contents with additional subject that may be Page 12 of 19 required in terms of curriculum guidelines associated with local or regional universities and business schools. These standards ensure that students who study with EDUVISA receive a high-quality education along with a certification that is recognised globally by government-regulated universities, employers, and government-regulated qualification and accreditation frameworks including the following: RQF = Ofqual Regulated Qualifications Framework (United Kingdom) IQF = Uniqual Integrated Qualifications Framework (International) SCQF = Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (Scotland) NQF = SAQA National Qualification Framework (South Africa) (See Ofqual/SAQA Articulation) CQFW = Credit and Qualifications Framework (Wales) CCEA = Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (Northern Ireland) FHEQ= Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK degreeawarding bodies EQF = European Qualification Framework (EU) AQF = Australian Qualification Framework (Australia) NARIC = National Recognition Information Centre (UK) CICIC = Centre for International Credentials (Canada) CHEA - Council of Higher Education (USA) ACBSP = Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (USA) BAC = British Accreditation Council (UK) Please mouse-click on Pre-registration Questions & Answers to clarify the verification and recognition of foreign qualifications relevant to your country of residence. Page 13 of 19 OFQUAL BENCHMARK CERTIFICATION EDUVISA Graduate School of Management is an accredited study centre and business school regulated in terms of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) (UK) via Ofqual-regulated award institutions and as such falls under the United Kingdom (UK) Department of Education as well as the Department for Business Innovation and Skills in terms of Article 96 and Article 97 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000. Ofqual regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England to ensure that all students receive the highest standard of education. The details of qualifications accredited by Ofqual can be found in The National Database of Accredited Qualifications (NDAQ). Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England. Ofqual (UK) provides accreditation to 200+ recognised academic centres in over 35 countries via a network of Ofqual-accredited award institutions. Ofqualregulated qualifications (offered by EDUVISA via its accreditation by NCCEdu) are approved as academic progression pathways to relevant Bachelor’s (BBA-Hons) and Master’s (MBA) Top-Up Degrees by a growing number of UK and international universities, providing significant tertiary education opportunities to students. A University Collaboration Network (UCN) has been established which includes universities (See for instance Cardiff Metropolitan University) that guarantee acceptance of the Ofqual-prescribed Curriculum (as delivered by EduVisa) for university progression purposes (BBA-Hons & MBA/M.Sc. TopUp) purposes either on-campus or online. Mouse-click on ‘University Top-Up’ for more details. EDUVISA UNIQUAL CERTIFICATION The IQF academic regulatory framework is a quality instrument utilised by EDUVISA that ensures that curriculum requirements, as laid down by UKOfqual map to the curriculum content and assessment standards associated with leading universities and business schools (University Top-Up). UniQual also monitors the integration of RQF (UK), SQF (Scotland), CHEA (USA), NQF (SA), AQF (Aus), EQF (E U) or alternative curriculum module components into the basic UK-Ofqual curriculum to prepare the learner/student for the specific business environment of his/her region of origin at undergraduate (BA, B.Sc., BBAHons) and post-graduate level (MBA, M.Sc.). This ensures that the learner/student is provided with a management qualification that is Page 14 of 19 academically acceptable and professionally relevant on both a global and regional scale. The EDUVISA Graduate Programme academic year consists of a Formative Theory (IQF) (Module Tests) curriculum component as well as an Applied Theory (RQF) curriculum component (Moderated Assignment Assessment). Completion of the Formative Theory (IQF) equips the student to complete the Applied Theory (RQF) phase that leads to an Ofqual-RQF qualification at Diploma (L4Dip.Man) (Bachelor 1st Year) and Higher Diploma (L5HDip.Man) (Bachelor 2nd Year) which again provides the student with access to the Bachelor Top-Up (Bachelor 3rd Year) at a university or business school of choice (Mouse-click on Policy: Assessment Guidelines). The IQF can be seen as a "generic curriculum benchmark" that guarantees that the student has in addition to a UK-orientated BBA/MBA Degree also incorporated curriculum components of both regional and international benchmark qualification frameworks and /or universities. It also positions the student to meet the requirements of employment agencies and employers, irrespective of where the student may find him/herself in the world. Qualification alignment also incorporates government-regulated award institutions like the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Page 15 of 19 FHEQ - UNIVERSITY FRAMEWORK The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-awarding Bodies (FHEQ) includes guidelines for Higher Education (HE) (University) qualifications in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and in Scotland for Bachelor's Degrees. For Master's and Doctoral Degrees, the same guidelines apply across the UK, Europe and most countries that follow a similar qualification framework to the United Kingdom, including most Commonwealth Countries and Englishspeaking countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The following outline provides an overview of the interrelationship between some of the prominent international qualification frameworks:
EDUVISA GLOBAL UNIQUAL (IQF) UNITED KINGDOM OFQUAL (RQF) SOUTH AFRICA – SAQA (NQF) SCOTTLAND - SCQF EU – EU COUNCIL (EQF) 8 8 10 12 8 7/7* 7 9 11 7 6 6 8 9 6 5/5* 5 7 8 5* 4 4 6 7 5 3 3 5 6 4 Page 16 of 19 QUALIFICATION AND GRADE VERIFICATION The EDUVISA Graduate School of Management Qualification & Grade Verification service provides for the verification of qualifications and grades awarded by and through EDUVISA Graduate School of Management: Please forward an email containing the following information to [email protected]: Full Name of the student/alumni ID Number used during studies Course completed Date that award was issued Name of EDUVISA Campus where studies were completed Please attach a copy of the ID of the student/alumni Please note that in terms of the international Data Protection Policies that EDUVISA adheres to information will only be released if the identity of the student/alumni can be verified beyond any doubt. EDUVISA (UK) Graduate School of Management Metaversity 160 Kemp House City Road London EC1V 2NX [email protected] EDUVISA (SA) Graduate School of Management Metaversity Cnr Main & Sloane Street Bryanston South Africa [email protected] EDUVISA (Middle-East) Graduate School of Management [email protected] EDUVISA (North-America) Graduate School of Management [email protected] Page

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