Fellowship Member
The Fellowship/Advisory members may Propose or nominate new members, Vote on special resolutions, Contribute research and jobs information to Group and Networks, Publish papers and articles, or petition to Open a Chapter, engage in public research. The membership is granted to Academic personality, Professors, Member of parliaments, senators, members of BQS, Public Authority leaders and leaders of high integrity in their fields . To be a member apply with your CV and the Fellowship council will review if eligible to join . The Members use the designation (Fellow of Ballsbridge University FBU.

Professor Luis Emilio Abad MD DO MBA PhD DSc Dlitt is an international eye medical expert and distinguished professor of ophthalmology. He is the international academic chair of ballsbridge university.

Associate Professor Robin Woodridge PhD is an academic professor and international expert in English linguistic. He is the academic principal of a school in UK. Professor Woodridge is an adjunct professor of BU.

Dr Eunice Smart Kwainoe MBA DPA FICP FBQS. She is an academic personality and rector of ballsbridge university Ghana.

Associate Professor Ambassandor Dr Samuel Afriyie Asante PhD FBQS ACIEA FBU is an adjunct professor and director of ballsbridge university Ghana and Africa operations including Zambia and Zimbabwe ballsbridge university outreach. He is also an Ambassador of UNESCO to Ghana

Dr E Campbell PhD DSc is an international and member of the board of quality standard. she is an international expert in dentistry,health and social care issues.

Distinguished University Professor Dr I Charles PhD LLD JD DPH JP FBQS FBU DICP Is an international academic expert. He is the present academic chair of the board of quality standards.

Professor Stuart Hendin JD LLD QC is an adjunct professor of Law and international training adviser for the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). Professor Stuart is a international legal expert and attorney at law in Canada.

Professor Ravishankar NS PhD FBQS FBU is an international academic expert and adjunct professor of Business and leadership studies at ballsbridge university. He is the Ambassador for global Peace. Professor Ravishankar is the Vice president of Axis Bank India.

Honorable Dr BoaKye Yiadom DPA is a recognized fellow of the university from Ghana. He is an Academic expert and leader. He is also recognized by the board of quality standard as a important personality in Ghana.

Prince Thomas Idahosa Osemwende PhD FBQS JP is the Lineage Prince from King osemwende of Benin Kingdom. He is an international Legal Personality and Patron of Ballsbridge University. He was the former international chair of the board of quality standards.

Dr Praise Efosa Idahosa PhD FBU is a Medical and hematology specialist and formal practicing fellow with Igbinadion University Okada. He is the head of hematology studies at ballsbridge university. He is also adjunct faculty with several institutions.

Rev Fr Professor George Gonzalez is an adjunct professor and specialist in theological and psychological counselling studies. He is the head and adjunct professor of st albert's college, ballsbridge university.

Distinguished University Professor Sir Dr Chris Oyat is an international academic personality and a fellow member of the board of quality standards. Professor Oyat is a important Uganda citizen and professor at Gulu university, Uganda. Distinguished Professor oyat is a recognized Adjunct professor of ballsbridge university.

Dr Faith Oliha PhD FBU is an adjunct faculty and fellow of institute of chartered professors and institute of chartered educational assessors UK. Faith is a traditional princess and fellow recognized by the board of quality standards.

Dr Raul Valverde is an Adjunct faculty and fellow with research specialization in the area of consciousness studies and interpersonal Psychology.

Dr Carlos Cury is recognized fellow of Ballsbridge university. He is a specialist in ophthalmology and leading researcher in Eye technology.

Dr Edward Oheneba Asiedu is an adjunct faculty and director of BU Ghana Centre . He is also an Ambassador for UNESCO to Ghana.

Professor Hon Dr Deji Awobotu FCA PhD DBA IOD FBQS(hon), Is honorable member of the Board of quality Standards and Council Member of Instutute of Chartered Accountant Nigeria. He is an adjunct professor of Ballsbridge University and CEO of Adrac Business school Nigeria.

Professor Ishola Akintoye is a recognized fellow of the University. He is also recognized by the board of quality standards.

Associate University Professor Dr Ernest M Toh LLM EdD Academic Director of Ballsbridge University College South Africa. He is an International research Expert in Law and franch studies. He is also an adjunct faculty of Ballsbridge University worldwide.

Dr kingsley B Boamah EdD is the Director of Ballsbridge University College South Africa and the country representative of Ballsbridge University in South Africa. Kinsley is an internatonal Academic Expert in Business studies and Education Leadership.

Hon Dr Tuam is a Public Administration Expert and Fellow of the University.

University Professor Johann Grobler FBQS is an Adjunct professor of theology and christian leadership studies at Ballsbridge University. He is also recognized by board of quality standards and international expert in theology and leadership studies. He is one of the directors of Christian leadership Academy south Africa Accredited by Ballsbridge University and Board of quality standards .

Dr Tazeen Jamal Siddiqui is a Doctoral graduate from Ballsbridge University . Dr Tazeen Siddiqui is the Managing Director of Mansha Educational society India . She is a recognized fellow of the University.

University Professor Dr Henry W Gregory Jr DSc FICP FBQS is a recognized adjunct professor of Ballsbridge University campuses worldwide and Assistant professor of University of Maryland, School of Nursing, Department of Family and Community Health. Assistant professor teaching individual, group and family therapy to psychiatric nurse practitioner doctoral students. He is also recognized by the Institute of chartered professionals and board of quality standards international.

University Professor Jacobus Martinus Louw is an adjunct professor of Business ethics at christian leadership institute part of Ballsbridge University worldwide South Africa. Professor jacobus an experience Educator and innovative Leader. He is an experienced distinguished expert in Business Leadership studies and Business ethics.

HON. AMBASSADOR DR. AHURE INNOCENT TIVLUMUN is the Deputy Representative of ballsbridge university Abuja Nigeria. He is an international recognized personality recognized by the board of quality standards.

Dr Tendai Amanda Manda is the Ballsbridge University Representative in Malawi. She is a recognized academic personality and also recognized by the Board of Quality standards International.

Professor Krupal Prabhakar Pawar FBU is an international recognized fellow of the university. He is an international academic expert.

Professor Hemant Dattaray Sonawane FBU is a chartered fellow of the university.
- He is presently working as Head & Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department at Brahma Valley College of Engineering & Research Institute, Nashik. Professor Hermant is an academic expert.

Kapil E. Ghuge B.E M.Tech FBU is a recognized fellow and power system international engineer. Kapil is a fist class engineering graduate and experienced Academic expert in power system engineering.

University Professor Dilip Dayaram Patil FBU is a charthered fellow of the university. He is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Department in Brahma Valley College of Engineering & Research Institute , Anjanari, Nasik. From July, 2012 to Till Date.
He is the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering Department , Prof Dilip Patil is a recognized professor and international chartered fellow member of Ballsbridge University worldwide.
He is the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering Department , Prof Dilip Patil is a recognized professor and international chartered fellow member of Ballsbridge University worldwide.

University Professor Dr William George Stephanus Germishuys is an adjunct professsor of Ballsbridge University at the Christian Leadership Academy in south Africa. He is a chartered Fellow and international expert in Theology, Ministry and christian couselling education. Prof William is an experience Academic Expert.

PROFESSOR KALYANI PRABHAKAR DHAGE FBU is an academic expert and assistant professor of Bramah valley college of engineering Nashik. She is a recognized chartered fellow and adjunct recognized professsor. she is also recognized by the board of quality standard and the international academic committee of ballsbridge university worldwide.

Professor Winston Plaatjies PhD FBU is an adjunct Professor of business studies at christian Leadership Institute, Ballsbridge university. He is a PhD Graduate from University of Port Elizerbeth in South Africa and an experinced Educator. Professor Winston is an Experienced Academic expert in Business studies.

Professor Dr Rohit Sharma PhD FBU is a recognized fellow and recognized adjunct professor of Ballsbridge University. He is an expert in computer science and students can choose him for supervision. Professor rohit is the principal of Cambridge Institute Polytechnic Ranchi india.

Dr Maxon Muvwanga PhD FBQS FBU is a Doctoral Graduate and an academic expert in agricultural science. He is the country director of Ballsbridge university Zambia UK zeus campus. He is fully recognized by the international academic commettee of ballsbridge University worldwide and a member of the board of quality standards international.

Dr Jestus Mwasama FBU is an academic Expert in the area of education and curiculum. He hold a masters degree from Zambia in education and curriculum. He is the Ballsbridge University Representative director for Northern Provice of Zambia.

Dr Christopher chalumba FBU is an academic Expert in the area of education . He hold a masters degree from Zambia in education . He is the Ballsbridge University Representative director for Muchinga Provice of Zambia.

Dr Peter Timothy Umeh DTh FBQS FBU is an academic personality in theology and ministry. He earned a doctorate degree in theology and Ministry. He is an adjunct faculty and Chartered Fellow of Ballsbridge University worldwide. He is also a recognized Member of the Board of quality standards a member of the International Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education.

Distinguished University Professor Dr Syed Basharat Ahmad Shah is a PhD Graduate from University of Verterinary University of Hannover in Germany and recognized by the university as a chartered fellow in Verterinary medicine and Animal Science and Member of IREAC/adjuct Professor. Prof Dr Syed is an international recognized Expert in Verterinary Medicine and Animal Science and also listed and recognized by Board of Quality Standards.

Prof Dr Dilip N Mahapatra was the candidate for MEP election of the European Parliament in 2019. He is a PhD graduate of Medicine from National University of Ireland Galway. He is currently working in the health sector as a physician both in public (HSE) and Voluntary (SJOG North East Services) since 1995. His has interest is in General Medicine, Medicine for the elderly and Intellectual Disability Medicine. Research interest is in Coeliac Disease and Osteoporosis. My credentials include, MBBS, MD (NUIG), FFSEMRCPI & RCSI, MFSEMRCP (London) and RCS (Edin), H. Dip Quality in Healthcare NUI & RCSI, FRSH (UK) & Fellow Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Prof Dilip is an international expert in Medicine. Prof Dr Dilip is chartered fellow of Ballsbridge University and recognized by the board of Quality standards.

Prof Jean Baptiste FBU, Vice chancellor, Distance Production House University(DPHU) is a recognized professor within ballsbridge universities consortium and systems. Professor Jean is an academic expert in higher Education and a recognized fellow and FBU. DPHU is a part of Ballsbridge universities consortium located in USA with affiliated centres inseveral countries

Flore yam FBU is an fellow member of Ballsbridge University system and part of DPHU USA

Professor Blaise MUKAMBA FBU is recognized professor within ballsbridge university system and part of DPHU USA. He is an expert in Higher education and recognized fellow FBU.

Professor Fidele Nshombo Kasigwa FBU is a recognized Professor with Ballsbridge University system and part of DPHU USA. He is an academic expert in higher education and a recognized fellow FBU.

Professor Isaie Nzeyimana FBU is a recognized professor within Ballsbridge University and part of DPHU in USA. He is an academic expert in higher education. He is a recognized fellow FBU.

Professor Olimba Emedi Kavain FBU is a recognized professor within ballsbridge university system and part of DPHU USA. He is an academic expert in Higher education and fellow FBU.

Professor Rogers Vurahire FBU is a recognized professor within ballsbridge university system and part of DPHU USA. He is a recognized fellow FBU and academic expert in Higher education.

Dr Eleftherios M Colocassides FBU is a recognized fellow of Ballsbridge University(FBU)

His Excellency Distinguished World Acclaimed Professor Emeritus Sir Dr Bashiru Aremu PhD FBQS FBU is an international academic expert in computer science and information technology and a member of international research expert advisory committee of Ballsbridge. Distinguished University Profesor Bashiru is a fellow member of ballsbridge university and Board of Quality Standards and recognized by IATU.

.Dr Kenny Netshiongolwe Ed.D is the administrative Representative of Ballsbridge University in south africa. Dr Kenny is an experienced Higher education expert and also a member of the ballsbridge University Faculty. Dr Kenny is the director of SAFIIT South Africa an institutional body of ballsbridge University in South Africa. Dr Kenny is a member of BQS accreditation committee.

Rotn Dr Olusanya Olujide Ebenezer FCIA FBU FICP MNIM.
Dr Olusanya is a fellow and faculty member of Ballsbridge University, Commonwealth of Dominica, faculty member of Poma International Business University Benin and senior research fellow of Ilesa Business School, Nigeria. He is a nigerian erudite professional in entrepreneurship and management. Dr Olusanya hold a PhD in entrepreneurship and management, master of science in management and master of business administration and a bachelor degree in accounting and bachelor degree in education management.
Dr Olusanya is a fellow and faculty member of Ballsbridge University, Commonwealth of Dominica, faculty member of Poma International Business University Benin and senior research fellow of Ilesa Business School, Nigeria. He is a nigerian erudite professional in entrepreneurship and management. Dr Olusanya hold a PhD in entrepreneurship and management, master of science in management and master of business administration and a bachelor degree in accounting and bachelor degree in education management.

Prof Dr Ntsokolo Daniel Sandi PhD FBU FICP FBQS
Prof Dr N D Sandi is an academic expert and experience Public administrationa and community development leader. Prof Dr Daniel N Sandi is CICI/ Ballsbridge University recognized professor and chair of CICI Associate South Africa and Honourable Member (FBQS) of the Board of Quality Standards. BP Dr Prof Ntsokolo Daniel Sandi ClCl - BU President BU Adjunct Professor, BQS Honorary Fellow, SAQA Accredited RPL Assessor IGLM, lPM, SMPAM Member (SAQA Accredited Professional Bodies), ARCP Representative (SAQA Accredited Professional Body of Churches and their Leaders)
Prof Dr N D Sandi is an academic expert and experience Public administrationa and community development leader. Prof Dr Daniel N Sandi is CICI/ Ballsbridge University recognized professor and chair of CICI Associate South Africa and Honourable Member (FBQS) of the Board of Quality Standards. BP Dr Prof Ntsokolo Daniel Sandi ClCl - BU President BU Adjunct Professor, BQS Honorary Fellow, SAQA Accredited RPL Assessor IGLM, lPM, SMPAM Member (SAQA Accredited Professional Bodies), ARCP Representative (SAQA Accredited Professional Body of Churches and their Leaders)

Dr Prof Siphokazi Portia Mzimane is an academic professor and member of Ballsbridge University system and registrar of CICI & Associate an academic Institutional Body of Ballsbridge University systems worldwide.Prof Dr siphokazi is also an Saqa accredited (Health and Child Care), Ftmas Doctoral Fellow,
Ecu and Dphu Associate Tutor/Prof.
Ecu and Dphu Associate Tutor/Prof.

Bp Dr Prof JB Freemantle PhD FBU FBQS is an academic professor and Bishop and member of the CIC- Ballsbridge University South Africa. Bishop Dr JB is a professor of theology and ministry.
Bp JB freemantle is also recognized by board of quality standards.
Bp JB freemantle is also recognized by board of quality standards.

Prof Dr Khayria Mohmoud Naguib FBU FBQS is a recognized professor of food science. She is an academic expert with several years of experience in nutrition, food science, food technology in Egypt. She has written hundrend of research works in food science. she is also recognized by the board of quality standards international.

Professor Sherif Ramzy Mohamed FBU FBQS is a recognized profesor of food science and food technology . He is an academic expert in food science and food tecnology and has written several research works in this discipline. He is also internationally recognized by board of quality standards as an expert in food science and technology. Food Industries and Nutrition Research Institute, Food Toxicology and Contaminants Dept, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.

Prof Dr Walid Tawfik Younes Mohamed FBU FBQS is the Chairman of Department of Laser Applications in Metrology, Photochemistry and Agriculture (LAMPA), NILES, Cairo University, Egypt. Chairman of the Board of the Department of Laser Applications in Measurements, Photochemistry and Agriculture, a member of the Graduate Studies Council and a member of the Institute’s Council. Prof walid is a chartered fellow and internatonally recognized by Board of quality standard as an expert in Spectrocopy and Ultrafast lasers.

Professor Adroaldo Gonçalves DA Silva is an experience Professor of theology and ministerial studies. Professor Aldroaldo is a chartered fellow and recognized professor of the university in brazil.

Dr Ibrahim Osman Sesay PhD FBU is a facuilty member and expert in public and and private auditing. Dr Ibrahim is also an expert in Petroleum Engeneering studies and co-ordinator for IST in Burkina faso an accredited institution and member of ballsbridge University system.

HE Hon Distinguished University Professor Dr Simon Emeje FBU FBQS FICP FCLMI is an alumin of the university of Ibadan and chartered fellow of the ballsbridge University system and a distinguished professor of Courier and Logistics Management of the Ballsbridge University system. He is an international expert in Political science and Courier and Logistics Management.. He is also recognized by the Board of quality standards international and member of the advisory committee of BQS.

Professor Theophilus Chinyere Nkasiobi Ndubuaku is an Alumni of the University of Ibadan Nigeria and Professor of Agricultural Entomology of the Ballsbridge University systems. He has more then 40 years research experience in all area of agricultural research, teaching, human capital development, leadership and policies implementation programmes. He also serve as the research director of the federal research institute in Nigeria

Professor Otobo Efe Elvis is an alumni of babcock University Nigeria and a professor of Archival science and diplomatics. He is an international researcher in archival science and diplomatics with more the ten years experience in that discipline.

Prof Hebah Abdel Wahab PhD DSc FBU FICP FBQS is a chartered fellow of the university with years of research experience in Chemistry. She is an International researcher and Professor recognized by By board of quality standards the oversight of the university system.

Prof Dr Emeka Ifediorah PhD FBU is a fellow of Ballsbridge University and chairman of revival Bible university with large audience in Nigeria and several african countries. Prof Emeka is a scholar in theology, business and management disciplines. Prof Emeka is recognized by Ballsbridge University.

Assoc Professor Dr Finbarr James PhD FBU Zirra is an academic Professor and chartered fellow of ballsbridge universiity system. He is an expert in investment management with several years of experience.

Professor Izuchukwu Francis Okafor is an academic adjunct professor of Sustainable Power and Energy Development Engineering at ballsbridge University system which include RKU, GRU, KIU and He is a Graduate from the university of pretoria south africa. He is an international expert with several years of experience in Power and energy engineering.

Professor Dr Oguegbu Christopher Chinedumuije PhD FICP FBU is an international researcher and recognized professor at ballsbridge university. Professor Oguegbu is an international expert in disaster management, risk management and peace studies.

Prof Dr Charles Efe Sylvester Emukowhate PhD is an associate Professor of Economics and Public Finance. He is an international expert in economics and public issues and have held several positions and advisory roles with several years of experience.

HE Hon Professor Solomon E Esomu PhD FBU FBQS JP is the Chair of Ballsbridge University system West Africa Nigeria. HE Honorable Professor Solomon is a cabinet member of state legal advisory of birland government.

HE Honorable Professor Abba Joel Michael PhD FBU FBQS JP Chair of Doxology Institutes Ballsbridge University, academic controller, member of governors and selected cabinet member to Professor charles Legal advisory state of birland government

Dr Adewumi Deborah Eniola PhD FBU is one of registrars of west African zone.

Prof Dr Nozizwe Glenrose King is the founder and CEO Kings University south africa accredited by Ballsbrisge University, Board of quality standards and South african accreditation body. Professor Nozizwe is a chartered fellow of the university and member of the board of Governors of Ballsbridge University and advisory Member of BQS international

Professor Dr Patricia Chinwe Onuoha PhD is an international expert and Professor in public health, Clinical Epidemiology and Toxicology. Professor Patricia is Chartered Fellow (FBU) for Excellence in Public Health Laboratories and Substance Abuse Prevention and Epidemiology and Toxicology and recognized as top expert by the Board of Quality Standards alliance of state of Birland and Soad and EU registry.