International Professional Bodies
BU graduates may join many professional associations. Membership requirements for each association may vary depending on the degree programme, specialization and graduate resume. Graduate are eligible to join this professional associations listed below .
ICP - Institute of Chartered Professionals
ILM - Institute of Leadership and Management
ABE - Association of Business Executives
CMI - Chartered Management Institute
CQI - Chartered Quality Institute
BMA - Business Management Association
BMA - Business Marketing Association
CMA - Communications Marketing Association
EBEA - Economics & Business Education Association
FMAI - Financial Management Association International
IAA - International Advertising Association
IACMP - International Association of Career Management Professionals
IAOM - International Association of Management
ICA - International Communication Association
ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
IEA - International Economic Association
IHRA - International Hotel & Restaurant Association
IHRIM - International Association for Human Resources Management
INTECA - International E-commerce Association
IPMA - International Project Management Association
ITMA - Information Technology Management Association
SABE - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
TTRA - Travel & Tourism Research Association
WFPH - World Federation of Public Health
OIACA- Oxford Institute of African Chartered Accountant
EIWCE- England Institute of World chartered Economist
LIACE London Institute of World Chartered Economist
CIWCA- Cambridge Institute of World Chartered Accountant